How to Unlock The Rock '12 in WWE 2K23 Showcase Mode (Match 10 Walkthrough)

Are you a fan of the Rock and looking for an easy way to unlock his character in WWE 2K23? Well, this guide will show you how! Here are the steps you need to follow to unlock The Rock '12 in WWE 2K23 Showcase Mode.

Knock Cena Down and Pick Him Straight Back Up 

Knock Cena Down and Pick Him Straight Back Up

The first step is to knock John Cena down and then pick him straight back up. While he's still groggy, push the right analog stick left or right to spin him around before pressing Circle (PlayStation) or B (Xbox) and X (PlayStation) or A (Xbox). 

Exploit the Dodge System 

Once your opponent is standing, use R1(PlayStation) or RB(Xbox) three times quickly while standing still. This will count as three dodges toward completing one of the Match 10 objectives.

Perform an Irish Whip 

Perform an Irish Whip

Grab Cena by pressing Circle/B again and flick the left analog stick toward the ropes. This will perform an Irish Whip, which can then be followed up with a Rebound Attack if timed correctly by pressing either Square/X or X/A when Cena bounces back from the ropes.

Perform a Rock Bottom Through Announce Table Finisher

Head over to one of two announces tables at ringside and press L1(PlayStation)/RB(Xbox). Then grab John Cena again by holding L1/RB whilst dragging him over onto one of them before performing a finisher through it with at least one bar filled on your Finisher meter by pressing R2+X(Playstation)/RT+A(Xbox).

Drop Your Opponent With Arm Wrench DDT

Drop Your Opponent With Arm Wrench DDT

Grab John Cena once more using Circle/B before flicking your left analog stick upwards while pressing X/A simultaneously - this should drop him with an Arm Wrench DDT.

Follow Up With Jumping Clothesline

Run towards John Cena while he’s still standing in the ring center before attacking with either Square/X or X/A button, which should result in performing Jumping Clothesline against your opponent, successfully fulfilling another objective requirement for unlocking The Rock '12 character!

Light Combo In Ring

Light Combo In Ring

To complete this particular objective, simply perform any Light Combo within the confines of ring boundaries - the easiest way would be pausing the game & accessing the COMBOS menu, where all moves belonging to both superstars involved can be found & inspected beforehand if needed, so no mistakes made during the actual match itself!

Damage the Leg Of Opponent

Once the enemy is lying on the ground, stand near his legs & press the circle / B buttons simultaneously – doing so causes damage dealt against the leg area, thus advancing players closer toward the ultimate goal desired – unlocking The Rock ‘12 Superstar!

Sharpshooter Signature Move

Sharpshooter Signature Move

Filling the signature meter completely after some time enables the special usage move called Sharpshooter – the same rule applies here to stand close enough near opponents' feet and then press R2 + Square / RT + X buttons together without fail to cause submission upon completion!

Attitude Era Brawl Outside Ring

If a match has been dragged outside the ring, then the main focus here would have to throw the enemy into the stairs nearby, resulting in certain objectives fulfilled through proper timing key factor successful execution maneuver mentioned above.

Take To Rocks Bottom Again

Take To Rocks Bottom Again

Stand inside the ring itself, wait until the opponent stands up once again & fill the finisher's gauge. Once ready, hold down the appropriate controller buttons responsible for such move activation, namely R2 + x / RT + A dependant console platform used.

Reverse Attack By Enemy

When the foe performs the attack, try reversing the same action done prior to hitting the triangle / Y keys depending on the respective gaming system chosen console being Playstation or Xbox, respectively; ensure the attempt succeeds the second time around since enemies always reverse the first instance attack performed.


After successfully completing the above twelve steps required task order, ultimately gain access to unlocked Superstar entitled ‘The Rock ‘ 12 previously only available specific showcase mode related objectives making possible fulfillment dream of becoming a part of great legend Dwayne Johnson wrestling history books worldwide!

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