


Roblox Review


Wesley Thorne / 08 Mar 2020

Roblox is the gaming social network where you can play existing games or develop your own with minimal knowledge required. It features arcades and shooters, life sims and quests, from ordinary to crazy. If you install Roblox for iOS or Android, you’ll get thousands of games at once.

Gameplay 5/5

It features thousands of different gameplays. Mostly they are third-person action games in a 3D environment, but the details differ. They can be social life simulators, zombie shooters, quests, and so on. Among the most popular games you can spot even a bee swarm simulator and a lawnmower machine game where the player sells the grass! Not the grass you think about.

All these games require one account that may contain your name, avatar, and other data. You can also rate games, contributing to the rating system, so the ones you prefer ger higher. The billing also covers all the Roblox games: the inner currency (Robux) is not limited by particular games, but circulates in all of them. 

Roblox is a developer-oriented platform and a real indie paradise. Beginners may try to realize their ideas here, and if they are well accepted, they may even earn on them. This attracts independent developers, from beginners to experienced ones. If you are making your first steps, here are templates you can use.

Graphics 3/5

Roblox is not about detailed visuals at all. It’s even more square than Minecraft (if you assume this possible). Anything, from human and animal characters (including bees!) to houses and weapons, contains of rough blocks, making it even funny. On the other hand, it’s developer-friendly and forms a recognizable style games share.

Replay Value 5/5

Even if you just want to explore all the popular games, it will take many months. And don’t even dream of playing all of them! You’ll get no life beyond. Even given that most Roblox games are just sort of hello worlds and don’t deserve your attention, worthy ones are too numerous.

Controls 4/5

Roblox offers its unified control system with a joystick under your left thumb, a camera control area under the right, and custom (though standardized) buttons elsewhere. This system lets you easily switch from one game to another. It doesn’t support gamepads on iOS; on Android, though, some custom tricks may work to connect a controller, if you really need that.


Roblox is a gaming social platform for both developers and players, indie-oriented, with its recognizable style. It may seem primitive, but if you are of the sort that gets this primitivist enchantment, it makes sense for you to download Roblox. Maybe here you’ll see the prototype of your next favorite AAA game, while the developer is testing the concept. Maybe you’re just here to laugh – it also makes sense. Anyway, Roblox has its ways to catch you.

pros The Best Part of It:

  • Thousands of games free to play;
  • Unified account and billing;
  • Unified controls;
  • Recognizable style;
  • The craziest ideas can be embodied here.

cons The Worst Part of It:

  • Primitive visuals;
  • Too many unworthy games.

Authors Feedback

  • Gameplay

  • Graphics

  • Replay Value

  • Controls

Highly rated for

  • Thousands of games free to play;
  • Unified account and billing;
  • Unified controls;
  • Recognizable style;
  • The craziest ideas can be embodied here.

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