Secret Neighbor

Secret Neighbor


Secret Neighbor Review


Wesley Thorne / 07 Nov 2019

Secret Neighbor is a computer game developed by Hologryph and published by tinyBuild. It is a spin-off to a popular horror game Hello Neighbor and has a similar concept in its core, but offers some unique features as well. It was initially released in 2019 and is now available on Xbox One and Windows.

Gameplay: Social Engineering

Secret Neighbor is a spin-off and has lots of similarities with Hello Neighbor. As the player, you will still have to investigate the Neighbor’s house and solve puzzles with different object interactions. 

However, in this Secret Neighbor review we would like to focus on the differences of this game from the Hello Neighbor game. The most important of them is that Secret Neighbor is online and session-based. This implies that there are several players taking the role of the kids and cooperating together to solve puzzles. 

There is also a player controlling the Neighbor and the most interesting thing is that this player is disguised as a kid, so the other players have to watch out.

Graphics: Same Style, New Image

The graphics in Secret Neighbor are very similar to the ones from the original game. The developers have utilized the same style, but the game still looks different when it comes to details. The first game was an indie project, but it became a great success and the developers can now afford themselves larger budgets. However, they have created a spin-off in the same universe, so they had to utilize the same style. 

As a result, the game feels like Hello Neighbor, but the graphics are more detailed, the interiors are densely filled with different objects, and the light work is greatly improved.

Controls: Nothing New

In terms of controls, Secret Neighbor is exactly the same game that was Hello Neighbor. The only difference is that each of the kids have a unique ability and the players are now able to use them. All the other controls have remained the same, and mechanically Secret Neighbor does feel like the original game.

In Conclusion

Secret Neighbor is an interesting spin-off from the original Hello Neighbor game. It offers a similar gameplay with new social elements and online gameplay. This does increase the replay value a bit, but the game still feels a bit repetitive after playing ten or twenty matches. It is best played with friends, but it won’t really appeal to the fans of the horror genre, as the game is not so scary.

The Best Part of It:

  • New social elements are creating more gameplay opportunities;

  • The graphics are significantly better than in the original game;

  • The controls are intuitive and easy to learn.

The Worst Part of It:

  • The game has a pretty low replay value;

  • Despite the game being a horror, it is not really scary.

pros The Best Part of It:

  • New social elements are creating more gameplay opportunities;
  • The graphics are significantly better than in the original game;
  • The controls are intuitive and easy to learn.

cons The Worst Part of It:

Authors Feedback

  • Gameplay

  • Graphics

  • Replay Value

  • Controls

Highly rated for

  • New social elements are creating more gameplay opportunities;
  • The graphics are significantly better than in the original game;
  • The controls are intuitive and easy to learn.

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